Teachers no longer tangled in the web!
Released on = December 17, 2005, 6:58 am
Press Release Author = Will - FindMeATeacher.com
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = A new website has been launched which helps students worldwide quickly and easily locate teachers of any type.
Press Release Body = (Sydney, NSW) A young Australian has launched a World Wide Web site that enables students to quickly and easily locate a wide range of teachers and schools within their local area. The 'Find Me a Teacher' directory found at www.findmeateacher.com also provides teachers with a new and inexpensive way to advertise their services online.
"The internet has today become the number one resource for people when searching for goods and services. It is important for all businesses to gain an online presence, however big or small" says William Riley, founder and Managing Director of FindMeATeacher.com. "Those businesses that do not have an online presence are missing out on valuable business!" Many websites being built today are far too complex to use and overcrowded with loads of useless information. "This site has been designed with ease of use in mind" says Riley. "It is no harder than searching through the classifieds section of your local newspaper. A few clicks and you have found what you are looking for."
Riley, whom also created AussieHomeHelpers.com.au; another directory site that enables Australian home owners to search for Home Service providers in their area, explained that creating an online directory was just the next logical step. "Teachers have always just relied on the back pages of their local newspapers to advertise their services. With people spending more and more time on the Internet and the population becoming increasingly computer literate, it makes sense for Businesses to take this next step."
Riley admits that a lot of teachers tend to shy away from the costs and skills associated with gaining an online presence for their business. "Our site is very simple to use and ends up costing businesses less than $5 a month. This is far less than the cost of a small weekly classified ad in a local newspaper". Riley states "We have tried to keep the membership costs low and reasonable. This membership fee allows us to better maintain and advertise the site for our users. It also means we only have recent businesses listed in our directory, unlike many free sites which become overloaded with useless, out of date information."
If the feedback he has received lately is anything to go by, Riley says we will certainly see a lot more of these directory sites popping up. "Small businesses have begun to realize the importance of online marketing. Sites like this have made the transition both easy and affordable." .
Web Site = http://www.findmeateacher.com
Contact Details = Will Riley Sydney NSW Australia contact@findmeateacher.com
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